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Children's Cartoon Exhibition between China and Türkiye Opens in Xinghua, China

Children's Cartoon Exhibition between China and Türkiye Opens in Xinghua, China

Recently, the "Children's Innocence Painting Friendship - Children's Cartoon Exhibition between China and Türkiye" jointly organized by China Xinghua Jingfan School and Türkiye Boyabat Science and Art Center opened in Xinghua, China. This cartoon exhibition will be held in China and Türkiye respectively. Exhibition of 40 cartoon works by 40 children from both countries. The works have rich themes, unique perspectives, profound ideas, and are full of childlike innocence and creativity. Mr. Shen Haitao, member of China News Cartoon Research Association and director of Jiangsu Cartoon Association, and Türkiye cartoonist Askin Ayrancioglu served as the curators of this exhibition. At the exhibition site, Mr. Shen Haitao gave on-site explanations of 40 cartoon works and interacted with cartoon authors who participated in the opening event. Cartoon is a language without borders. This joint exhibition is not only a visual art feast, but also a cultural exchange. While providing a stage for children to showcase their artistic talents, it guides young authors to draw inspiration and expand their thinking from appreciation and learning. Children from both countries will cross national borders and enter each other's inner worlds through cartoon exhibitions, experiencing the charm of different cultures. This exhibition will become a beautiful memory for children on their growth path, inspiring them to continue using their paintbrushes to depict a more exciting future.

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