The animated film "Here and There" directed by Lida Fazli won three awards at international festivals.
Irancartoon website announced that according to the Documentary & Experimental Film Center, this short animation, which was produced at the Documentary & Experimental Film Center, has recently won the Best Animated Film award at the Scrittura e Imagine Festival in Italy, Chorta festival in Portugal and the Special Award for Children and Adolescent Films of the Serbian Film Festival.
"Here and There" has previously won a UNICEF Award from the biennial animated "Bratislava", Slovakia.
This animation was also screened at the 36th Italian "Cartoon Club" competition, the official section of the 4th Hong Kong "Children's Festival" and the 11th "Golden Kuker" International competition in Sofia, Bulgaria.
The story says: " no bounderies can prevent making friend, I wish adults' world was full of peace and friendship, the same as children's."