Winners of The “SALT & PEPPER” MAGAZINE, Bucharest / Romania, Edition 2023
A. Salt and/or Pepper
B. Light and Shadow, literally or conceptually, defining:
bright/dark, beautiful/ugly, moral/immoral, peace/war, joy/anger, life/death, love/hate etc.
143 cartoonists
39 countries
370 works.
the winners:
A. Salt and/or Pepper
1st PRIZE: Mrs. Izabela Kowalska-Wieczorek, Poland
2nd PRIZE: Mr.Viktor Beograd, Russia
3 rd PRIZE: Mr.Raed Khalil, Syria
THEME B : Light and Shadow, literally or conceptually, defining:
bright/dark, beautiful/ugly, moral/immoral, peace/war, joy/anger, life/death, love/hate etc.
1st PRIZE: Mr. Engin Selçuk,Turkey
2 nd PRIZE : Mr.Abolfazl Mohtarami, Iran
3 rd PRIZE: Mr. Hamid Soufi, Iran
For visiting the rest of winners please click here