It is with great sadness and sorrow that we learn the loss of a real treasure of Iranian cinema and animation due to Covid-19: a great teacher for many generations, an artist and documentary filmmaker, a producer and performer of TV programmes, and a source of inspiration, love, support, passion and professionalism in all he did in his fruitful life.
Alemi was the dean of the Animation Department at Tehran’s Tarbiat Modares University.
He helped develop academic cinema during the years it was about to fade away in the country with his TV programs “Other Side of the Coin”, “Seventh Art” and “Beyond Cinema” during the late 1980s and early 1990s.
Alemi was born in 1945 in Ahvaz, and was a graduate of cinema from the Dramatic Art College. He continued his studies in England and got his Ph.D. in cinema.
He has written and translated many books and was active as a jury member of several Iranian and international film and animation festivals.
He was also a member of the Academy of Persian Language and Literature.
Alemi was one of the pioneers of documentary making in the country and presented modern methods in the documentary genre.
He had also written several books on photography.
You will be remembered with great memories of joy...
You will be missed...
Akbar Alemi RIP (1940-2020)