Marco De Angelis. Five steps in drawn humor
Masterpieces of the great Italian humorist
From 09 October to 28 November 2021
The journey of WOW Spazio Comicto discovering the best names in Italian humor continues with a solo exhibition dedicated to Marco De Angelis: award-winning humorist, illustrator, professional journalist and graphic designer. His works have been published in over 200 newspapers in Italy and abroad and have been exhibited all over the world.
Marco De Angelis's path begins with his participation in an international exhibition in 1972, and then began publishing in 1975, undertaking an intense professional activity (alongside that of a journalist, which began in 1980) which led him to publish in over two hundred Italian and foreign newspapers, to illustrate many books and to receive over 130 awards in Italy and abroad.
The exhibition unfolds through central themes of our times: environment, war and peace, love, politics and society, science and culture. A choice motivated by the need to maintain order among the countless subjects treated, outlining an attentive, ironic and merciless portrait of current events. The wordless graphic commentary, made up of metaphors, paradoxes and surreal situations, turns out to be here a true journalistic piece, an article made of images, which reaches straight to the heart: making people laugh, or smile through clenched teeth, but always making people think and reason.
The exhibition brings together about 130 satirical drawings and original illustrations from recent years (but also some works from the 1990s) and, in addition, a hundred other works present in a videogallery: it is a selection of his most recent production, which has backed by thousands and thousands of drawings: current affairs cartoons, illustrations for books, newspapers, magazines and television programs, up to the latest illustrations for educational and playful historical apps.
The inauguration will take place on October 9th at 4:00 pm, with a meeting between Luigi F. Bona (director of WOW Spazio Comics), Dino Aloi (editor of Il Pennino and director of the magazine "Buduàr") and the artist Marco De Angelis.
To participate in the meeting, reservations are recommended by e-mail to .
He has illustrated many children's books for Giunti, De Agostini, The School, San Paolo, Lapis, Salani, ELI (publishing in the 28 journals of this publisher distributed in 35 countries) and other publishers.
He has collaborated with RAI, Telemontecarlo, Coldiretti, Confartigianato, Asstra, the Ministry of the Interior, Bocconi University, the Municipality of Genoa and many other companies and associations. He has been a member of numerous juries and his works are exhibited in various museums in Italy and abroad.
He has received over 130 international awards, including the Palme d'Or at the Bordighera Humor Salon in 1997 and the First Prize in Istanbul in 1987 and 2016, twice Council of Europe First Prize, First Prize in Tehran, Krusevac , Pistoia, Dolo, Belgrade, Sisak, Fano, Città di Castello, Pescara, Chieti, as well as being awarded also in Tokyo, Skopje, Montreal, Ottawa, Amsterdam, Olen, Galati, Porto.
The Cartoon Home Network International association named him in 2018 and 2020 as one of the ten best cartoonists of the year in the world.
Marco De Angelis
Born in 1955 in Rome, he published in La Repubblica, Il Popolo (newspapers of which he was editor for many years), Il Messaggero, Il Mattino, Grazia, I Gialli Mondadori, Panorama, Help !, ComicArt, Comix, the re-editions of Travaso and del Marc'Aurelio and other newspapers for a total of 200 newspapers in Italy and abroad, such as The New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, Herald Tribune, Vancouver Sun, Courrier International, Le Monde, WittyWorld, Nebelspalter, Eulenspiegel, Yez, Fenamizah, Fire, NY TID, Eine Welt and many others.