Theme: Bookplate
The International bookplate Competition Lithuania | 2020
Trakai has been declared Lithuanian Capital of Culture for 2020. Contributing to the city’s
cultural initiatives, Trakai History Museum has organised an international bookplate competition:
‘Trakai Peninsula Castle: Unicorn – a Symbol of Cultural and Historical Heritage’. The
competition aims to promote the art of the ex libris, as well as raising the profile of Trakai
Peninsula Castle and its symbol, the unicorn. An exhibition of the winners’ artworks will be held,
and a catalogue published. The contest marks Trakai History Museum’s fourth International
Bookplate Competition.
Alvyga Zmejevskienė, director of the Trakai History Museum, invites artists and creators of
small graphic artworks from around the world to create bookplates depicting the symbol of the
unicorn, and dedicated to the architectural complex of Trakai Peninsula Castle, the eminent
personalities connected with it, and to ‘Trakai – Lithuanian Capital of Culture 2020’.
A zoomorphic mounting in the form of a unicorn was found in 1962, during archaeological
excavations headed by Adolfas Tautavičius. The object was found close to the mound, on the
eastern slope of Sacrifice Hill, at a depth of one metre. It dates from the second half of the 14th or
the 15th century. It is unknown what the function of the artefact was, or if any comparable artefacts
exist in Lithuania or worldwide. Due to the close proximity of its discovery, this unique find was
chosen as a symbol of Trakai Peninsula Castle. Unicorns were worshiped by the Babylonians;
descriptions of this mythical beast are found in the writings of ancient Persian, Roman, Greek and
Jewish scholars, as well as in Celtic mythology. As a magical symbol, it also occupies a revered
place in Chinese tradition and Indian art. In medieval Europe, the pagan symbol of the unicorn was
interpreted by the church as an incarnation of Christ, and its death was considered to represent the
suffering of Christ. The unicorn also holds an important place among heraldic symbols.
The competition is open for entries from 8 January 2020 until 29 May 2020 inclusive,
according to postal registration date.
The bookplates may be dedicated to a private person or institution. Every bookplate must
carry the obligatory inscription ‘EX LIBRIS. UNICORNIS’ and the full name of the owner of the
ex libris: an institution or individual person. In cases where only the initials of the individual
person are indicated on the ex libris, his or her full name should be written on the reverse side. It is
recommended to dedicate the bookplates to:
Grand Duke of Lithuania Kęstutis
Grand Duke of Lithuania Vytautas
Guillebert de Lannoy
Sacrifice Hill (Trakai distr.)
Trakai Peninsula Castle (info on
Trakai History Museum (TIM)
Bookplates that do not include the obligatory inscription and the full name of the institution or
individual person that owns the ex libris will not be allowed to participate in the competition and
the exhibition of the bookplates. The maximum length of the longer edge of the print of may be up
to 150 mm, and the paper sheet should not exceed A4 format. Bookplates may be created using
traditional graphic techniques as well as new technologies, including computer graphics.
Bookplates will be accepted only when accompanied by a completed competition entry form.
The entry form can be downloaded from the website:
Competition entry must include one signed bookplate print. The number of entries is not
limited. On the reverse side of the bookplate should be written the full name of the author, their
home address and information about the bookplate: the year of its creation, the graphic technique
used and the bookplate’s dimensions.
Competition bookplates must be mailed until 29 May 2020 inclusive, according to postal
registration date at the following address:
International Bookplate Competition
Trakai History Museum
Kęstučio g. 4
LT-21104 Trakai
Entries will be judged by a jury selected by Alvyga Zmejevskienė, director of Trakai History
Museum. The jury will evaluate all entries and announce the winners.
Ex libris will be selected for the exhibition, catalogue and awards from among those
bookplates that best conform to the rules of the competition.
Works will be judged in two categories:
Bookplates created using traditional graphic techniques;
Bookplates created using new technologies, artistic techniques and computer graphics.
Entries will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
The originality of the artwork;
The artist’s understanding of the subject matter;
Mastery of the chosen technique;
Bookplates that have been stained, creased, torn or folded in half, as well as those arriving
after the competition’s closing date, will not be evaluated.
Main prizes are cash awards:
1st Prize – 300.00 EUR.
2nd Prize – 200.00 EUR.
3rd Prize – 100.00 EUR.
1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade certificates.
1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade certificates.
The competition jury will select the best 80 works and notify their authors. The selected
bookplates will be exhibited, and the exhibition catalogue will be published; authors of the selected
bookplates will receive the catalogue free of charge.
The top three artists among the works selected will be awarded cash prizes (1st, 2nd, 3rd prize).
A further six artists within the two groups will be selected to receive certificates. Additional prizes,
gifts and certificates established by the organiser or sponsors of the competition may be awarded to
the authors of other selected bookplates. The awards, and the date and location of the exhibition’s
opening will be announced at a later date.
The organiser, Trakai History Museum, will retain all entries.
The organiser retains the right to photograph and reproduce bookplates entered into the
competition, and to use them for the purposes of advertising the contest. Such images will be
accompanied by the artist’s name, without payment of royalties to their authors. Entries submitted
to the competition are non-returnable. By participating in the contest, the author agrees to all terms
and conditions of the competition.
The results of the competition will be announced on the website:
The competition is open for entries from 8 January 2020 until 29 May 2020 inclusive,
according to postal registration date.
Alvyga Zmejevskienė, director of Trakai History Museum, invites children and students
from around the world to create bookplates depicting the symbol of unicorn, and dedicated to the
architectural complex of Trakai Peninsula Castle, the eminent personalities connected with it, and
to ‘Trakai – the Lithuanian Capital of Culture 2020’.
Children and students from around the world between the ages of five and 19 are eligible to
take part in the competition.
The bookplates may be dedicated to a private person or institution. Every bookplate must carry
the obligatory inscription ‘EX LIBRIS. UNICORNIS’ and the full name of the owner of the ex
libris: an institution or individual person. In cases where only the initials of the individual person
are indicated on the ex libris, his or her full name should be written on the reverse side. It is
recommended to dedicate the bookplates to:
Grand Duke of Lithuania Kęstutis
Grand Duke of Lithuania Vytautas
Guillebert de Lannoy
Sacrifice Hill (Trakai distr.)
Trakai Peninsula Castle (info on
Trakai History Museum (TIM)
Bookplates that do not include the obligatory inscription and the full name of the institution or
individual person that owns the ex libris will not be allowed to participate in the competition and
the exhibition of the bookplates. The maximum length of the longer edge of the print of may be up
to 150 mm, and the paper sheet must not exceed A4 format. Bookplates may be created using
traditional graphic techniques as well as new technologies, including computer graphics.
Bookplates will be accepted only when accompanied by a completed competition entry form. The
entry form can be downloaded from the website:
Competition entry must include one signed bookplate print. The number of entries is not
limited. On the reverse side of the bookplate should be written the full name of the author, their
home address and information about the bookplate: the year of its creation, the graphic technique
used and the bookplate’s dimensions.
Competition bookplates must be mailed until 29 May 2020 inclusive, according to postal
registration date at the following address:
International Bookplate Exhibition
Trakai History Museum
Kęstučio g. 4
LT-21104 Trakai
Entries will be judged by a jury selected by Alvyga Zmejevskienė, director of Trakai
History Museum.
Entries will be judged in five age groups: 5-6 years; 7-8 years; 9-10 years; 11-12 years
and 13-19 years. The creators of the three best bookplates in each age group will be awarded
1st, 2nd and 3rd grade certificates.
Ex libris will be selected for the exhibition, catalogue and awards from among those
bookplates that best conform to the rules of the competition.
Entries will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
Bookplates created using traditional graphic techniques;
Bookplates created using new technologies, artistic techniques and computer graphics;
The originality of the work;
The understanding of the genre;
Artistic approach to the subject matter;
Mastery of the chosen technique;
Bookplates that have been stained, creased, torn or folded in half, as well as those arriving
after the competition’s closing date, will not be evaluated.
The competition jury will select the best 140 works and will notify their authors. The selected
bookplates will be exhibited, and the exhibition catalogue will be published; authors of the selected
bookplates will receive the catalogue free of charge. Top three authors of the selected works in
every age group will receive certificates (1st, 2nd and 3rd grade); additional prizes, gifts and
certificates established by the organiser or sponsors of the competition may be awarded to the
authors of other selected bookplates. The selected best works will be exhibited at Trakai Island
Castle and other public places. The awards, and the date and location of the exhibition’s opening
will be announced at a later date.
The organiser, Trakai History Museum, will retain all entries.
The organiser retains the right to photograph and reproduce bookplates entered into the
competition, and to use them for the purposes of advertising the contest. Such images will be
accompanied by the artist’s name, without payment of royalties to their authors. Entries submitted
to the competition are non-returnable. By participating in the contest, the author agrees to all terms
and conditions of the competition.
The results of the competition will be announced on the website:
Trakai History Museum
Kęstučio g. 4
LT-21104 Trakai
CURATOR OF THE COMPETITION Renata Mečkovskienė e-mail: