Theme: About Jambi
National Cartoon Contest about Jambi 2020 | Deadline 2 August 2020
One effort that can be done to realize the preservation of cultural heritage both tangible and intangible is by increasing appreciation of diversity by promoting cultural promotion.
In connection with this, it is necessary to carry out various activities which also function as efforts to increase the development of promotion of various aspects of cultural life and social life in an optimal way. These activities include organizing a 'cartoon contest' which not only has artistic value but is also able to reflect cultural events in Jambi Province by expressing the essence of the message poured into pictures by using symbols and characters that are easily recognizable and understood quickly.
1. Increase public appreciation of the cultural diversity that we have
2. Make efforts to promote the cultural diversity of the Province of Jambi
3. Reflect cultural events into the picture by using symbols
The theme of the national cartoon contest is 'About Jambi'.
Includes sub-themes in the form of customs, social and social life, culture,
culinary and tourism objects in Jambi Province
Race Category
The national cartoon contest 'About Jambi' is held openly for cartoonists, students,
students and the general public.
Rules of competition
1. Contest is free of charge
2. Contestants are Indonesian citizens
3. Cartoon works from various presentation techniques, with the following provisions:
a. A3 size (40 x 30) Portrait / Landscape
b. Resolution 150 dpi, JPG format
4. Participant registration is sent accompanied by:
a) Title of work, brief description and origin of the contestants
b) Pass color photo file size 3 x 4 cm in JPG format
c) Phone number or email that can be contacted
d) Declaration of Authenticity of Work and has never been published before
e) Work and accompanying files can be sent in the form of a folder to the competition committee email:
Rules of competition
1. Participants create works in accordance with a predetermined theme.
2. Courtesy work, not alluding to differences in ethnicity, religion, race and certain groups
or politics.
3. Participants are only allowed to submit a maximum of 3 pieces of work.
4. The work is a creation itself, has never been published or included
in the competition.
5. The jury's decision is final and cannot be contested.
6. The committee has the right to document and publicize the winning work while still
including the participant's identity.
Assessment criteria
The suitability of the theme, creativity and originality
Implementation of the Contest
The competition will be held on June 22 until August 2, 2020
Announcement of Race Results
Announcement of the results of the race will be held on August 5, 2020
At 10:00 am through the social media platform Jambi Cultural Park:
Youtube: tbj 0fficial
Instagram: tbj 0fficial20
Facebook: jambi culture park (tbj official)
as well as notification via email of the contestants
Competition Winner Rights & Competition Committee Rights
1. Winners of the competition are entitled to get the following prizes:
Charter and coaching money with a total amount of Rp. 8.250.000, -
2. The competition committee has the right to recruit judges as an assessment team with the condition that
the jury's decision cannot be contested
3. The competition committee will make an e-catalog of the 100 best works that will be given to
each competitor.
The National Cartoon Competition will select the winner and be entitled to:
1st place in the charter + coaching fee of Rp. 3,000,000, -
Champion II charter + coaching money of Rp. 2,500,000, -
Third place in the charter + coaching amounting to Rp. 2.000.000, -
Hope I charter + coaching money in the amount of Rp. 1,500,000,
Hope II charter + coaching money in the amount of Rp. 1,000,000, -
5 of the best nominees each entitled to a charter + coaching money of
Rp. 500,000, -
race prize tax is borne by the winner.
Secretariat of the Organizing Committee
UPTD. Jambi Cultural Park
Jln. Arbai I No. 9 - 10 Sei Kambang Jambi
Contact Person HP / WA:
Veni, 0823 7157 7233
Source: National Cartoon Competition about Jambi 2020 | Deadline 2 August 2020