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Registration for the III Poster Contest of the International Humor Exhibition will go on until 31/01

Registration for the III Poster Contest of the International Humor Exhibition will go on until 31/01

Work sent by artist Evelin Debei, from Brazil, to compete in the III Poster Contest of the Humor Salon

The Association of Friends of the Piracicaba Humor Salon (AHA), in partnership with the Municipal Secretariat of Cultural Action (Semac) and the National Humor Center of Piracicaba (CEDHU), opened registration for the III Poster Competition of the International Salon of Piracicaba humor Mayor Adilson Maluf. The winning poster will be used to publicize all the actions and publications linked to the 48th edition of the International Humor Exhibition of Piracicaba, held this year.

Clayton Rabelo, from Brazil, also competes for the Hall of Humor Card Prize Mayor Adilson Maluf

TRIBUTE  - The Piracicaba International Humor Exhibition Poster Contest Mayor Adilson Maluf was instituted in 2019, in honor of former Mayor Adilson Maluf who, in 1974, supported the realization of the 1st Piracicaba Humor Salon. The amount of R $ 3,000 destined to the winner is offered by Maluf, in support of AHA. This edition's poster was created by cartoonist Erasmo Spadotto.

The rules and registration form can be accessed on the Salon website, at the link:  salaointernacionaldehumor.com.br/sem-categoria/3o-concurso-de-cartaz-do-sihp-prefeito-adilson-maluf/


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