Portrait of J. Bosco who integrates my manifest rehearsal with Brazilian cartoonists.
J. BOSCO is a journalist, cartoonist, illustrator, caricaturist and chargist of the newspaper O LIBERAL, from Belém do Pará, since 1988. Married, a daughter, has several national and international awards in mood halls, 3th Place Ranan Lurie (USA ), 1th Prize - Prize 1. Niels Animated Bugge (Denmark-2013), UNIMED Prize at the 30th International Piracicaba Mood Hall (2003), Honorable Mention in charge at the 43th Salon Piracicaba International Mood (2016), 3th Place in cartoon at Kartooenale Belgium festival (2017). Six books published. It has works published in the magazines Vibe, Você, Você, Semana, Press, Focus, French magazine Le Monde Magazine. Didactic books of the publishers Scipione, Saraiva, Editor of Brazil, Educational Editor, Modern, Attica, FTD, Positive, Publisher We are Education, Ethical Teaching System, Opet. In 2008 he made his first individual exhibition of caricatures of paraian entrepreneurs ′′ face and crown ′′ for a total of 60 pieces. In 2009 he made the 2th edition with 86 caricatures. Author of the strips ′′ Collar bread and wine ′′,"Captain beans ′′ and ′′ Dog world", published daily in The Liberal's magazine notebook.