Dear friends and colleagues,
After numerous problems that followed us this year, from canceling the date and venue of the exhibition, problems finding another space and place, to the illness that drove me out of "Balance" for almost 3 months. We managed to organize and finish 5 MIKS in 2019.
Unfortunately, some of us do not behave responsibly and professionally.
The exhibition will open on 29/11/2019.
First Anniversary .... first 5 years!
Thanks to all who asked and supported me.
Thank you to everyone who participated in their drawings.
In fact Thank you to all of you who have helped in this way for the last 5 years to make this exhibition a living.
Please be a little more patient ....
The list of finalists (100 of them) will be announced ... on Sunday 26/10/19.
Participation diplomas are starting to be sent after the end of the exhibition ...
After that, we start with the winners and winners of the special awards.
In 2020 there will be no International Caricature Exhibition in Sisak ...
Sometimes one has to stand on the ball ..... and think, does this all make sense .... except for the love of caricature!
Nenad Ostojic