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Making animation in Iran is progressing faster than other countries

Making animation in Iran is progressing faster than other countries

Making animation in Iran is progressing faster than other countries

Hadi Mohammadian, the director of "The Elephant King" and "The Princess of Rome" talked about his new experience in the field of animation, meanwhile emphasized the process of progression.

According to the Irancartoon website, Hadi Mohammadian, an art director of Pouya Art Studio and animation director, said in an interview with Mehr news agency, on the eve of "International Animation Day ": "Today, we can discover many young people who have got talent in making animation, and if more attention is paid to this field, I think we can get more honors.

About a decade ago, when the first cinematic animations were produced in Iran, few people thought that we would make such a progression in making animation during a decade, and this successful is due to the efforts of the youth of this territory."

He continued: "Animation is a kind of technology based art, in which one must also be well acquainted with the techniques, in addition to narration and storytelling. Other countries are generally not attempt to share their experiences to others. Therefore, gaining experience in this field is the first step and we should try to gradually utilize these experiences in the studios and gradually develop the works.

"The Elephant King", an experience in line with "The Princess of Rome"

Referring to the experience of making "Prince of Rome" and "The Elephant King" animations, the art director of Pouya Art group said: through making these animations, we have provided the technological foundations for future works.

He continued: "Anyway, we have to take into consideration that other countries have been producing animation for about 100 years, and we have been making cinematic animation for a decade, but definitely we are not 90 years behind them, because we have taken many steps and we should try to use the same experiences correctly instead of reinventing the wheel, but I think Iran is progressing faster than others".

Talking about the fallings, he said: "we have made a good progression in using technology, but we still need good and interesting stories, something that we should work on that. We have to pay attention to narration, and not to forget that we have stories that are more interesting than the other countries' stories."

"Our group has also had a special focus on storytelling and screenwriting by forming a committee to suggest new ideas, plans and screenwriting workshops.

It is necessary to create hero/ heroine characters for Iranian children, it is enjoyable for them, and they live with them. We should take this into consideration that it takes time to come to such an aim, it needs a continues process".

"Iranian children deserve the bests; they are special audiences, so we should produce high quality contents, in order to save their mental health".

Making animation is a cultural activity

Mohammadian added: "Another point is that animation is not just a technique developed by an engineering team, but a cultural and artistic work that needs a holistic view and cultural and art management from the first to the Production and film distribution steps.

Those who aim to select making animation as their jobs should spend more time in studios, and gain more experience".

He said:" we have made a new animation 'Naughty Boy', that will be better than "The Elephant King". The content also will be better due to cooperation of different specialist, and rewriting the script several times in the workshop".

This director expresses that "through animation one can make a real world, so I think those who experienced it, prefer it to the cinema. Since the audiences of animation are very special, when you enter the pure world of children, it makes your mind and soul pure too. In general, we all believe that careers related to children's affairs are enjoyable. At the same time, because of the significance of this type of works, it requires all decision-makers in this area pay more attention to it and support producers.

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