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Interview With Shankar Pamarthy | India

Interview With Shankar Pamarthy | India

I was born in 1963,in Nalgonda District state of Telangana, I am working as chief political cartoonist sakshi,I won 25 International awards including World press cartoon Grand prix 2014,I graduated from Osmania University,

I am president of Forum for political cartoonists Hyderabad. Now Lives in Hyderabad city, Telangana state, Deccan,India


1. What was your first satirical cartoon?

It was about a school, drawn way back 


2. When did you start your professional working?

In the year 1998, as a daily news paper cartoonist


3. What was your first published artwork?

It was on lockup death, published in the year 1987.


4. What was your first prize?

A consolation prize at national level caricature contest, in the year 1999.


5. What was your most recent prize?

Special prize in DAESH International Cartoon & Caricature cntest-2015-Iran


6. How do you find new ideas?

By continuous observation of the societal changes and reading news papers, web news portals and so on


7. What’s your idea about Inevitable Similarities? What do you think about plagiarism?

Getting inspiration from something or someone is always ok, as the very nature of this art is re-creation of what the artist sees. However, I am dead against to copycat others’ works in-Toto.


8. In your view, who is the best Iranian Cartoonist?

A straight answer is very difficult, as there are so many masters in Iran, both in the fields of caricature as well as cartoons.


9. Who is the best Cartoonist in your country?

Mario Miranda.


10. In your view, who is the best foreign caricaturist?

Naming just one is almost impossible. Mordilo, Hirshfeld, David Levin, Jean Mulatier,Opdebeeck, fernandes….


11. What's the best cartoon that you've ever seen? If possible send it to us.

There are so many that I consider as best. singling-out any of them is almost impossible.


12. How much time do you pay for creating an artwork?

     Normally it takes minimum 3 hours.


13. What are your tools and technique for creating artwork?

     Indian ink, crow quill nib, Colour pencils.


14. Which software do you use? What's your recommendation to your colleagues?

Adobe Photoshop for coloring cartoons. My advice is for manual work as far as possible .Sometimes wacom tablet can be used.


15.What do you think about cartoon situation in the world?

Cartoon is one of the most powerful weapon. It should be guarded against



16. Did you ever have problems with your cartoons?

There were 2 to 3 instances where had to face problems because of the cartoon I had drawn .Infect one court case is still going on in this regard.


17. What was your best cartoon?

I honestly feel that my best cartoon is yet to come.


18. Have you ever created an immediate Cartoon?

Yes I have.


19. Have you ever been jury member in any Cartoon Contest?

Yes, For the first international cartoon and caricature contest cartoon mag 2013.


20. What about Caricature?

It is one of the great contemporary arts and most inspiring as well.


21.Have you ever worked in cooperation with another artist?



22. What's your idea about Iran cartoon website?

I’m very much inspired by it, and it has a great role in my evolution as an artist.


23. If you were born again what did you choose as your career?

As a Caricaturist.


24. What and when was your most recent exhibition?

In 2011,this was my fifth solo exhibition at the gallery of Indian institute of cartoonists, Bangalore, India.


25.Who's your favorite artist except in cartoon world?

Gustav Klimt. and arts of tribal’s


  26.Do you think an artist can have enough money by creating cartoon and caricature?         

Can survive.


27.What was the last book you've read?

Charlie Chaplin’s auto biography third time.


28. Do you think humor can be learned?



29. What's your idea about Black Humor?

Black  humour aims at cleaning the system and the individual..Its’ means to achieve the set goal are demonic in nature.


30. What was your most recent performed Caricature?

Albert Einstein.

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