Your biography in 3 lines
I was born in 1958 in Lodz, Poland. Father, an ingineer, during my schooltime told, that drawing diturb learning maths and phisics. Mother, an artist, told that maths and phisics lessons disturb drawing. Guess who was more convincing? Than I graduated Academy of Art in my home town. My specialisation is textile design. I worked for textile industy only one and half year.
What was your first satirical cartoon?
I don’t remember, but my drawings were closer cartoons than realistic, serious art.
When did you start your professional working?
It was at late seventies last century,
What was your first published artwork?
I don’t remember accurate date. That was three pictures published in satirical journal KARUZELA.
What was your first prize?
Again I must say: I don’t remember date. I was contest announced by KARUZELA (see my answer above) . I won possibility collaborate with journal. I no keep an archiv, so why I can give dates and no pictures. Overall I have not much prizes on my account,
What was your last prize?
First prize in local contest announced by vllage Burzenin (Poland). Subject was: country full of milk and honey! It was on may
this year.
How do you find new ideas?
Best ideas come to my head unawares, completely out of my intention. What can I do for such ideas is only waiting. So I’m waiting.
Second way of my inspirations is watching life, talking with people and hearing tchem, also reading many different books.
And is salso the third way, when idea born in unwitting ink strokes or colour dots.
Whats your idea about Inevitable Similarities?
Inevitable similarities are inevitable. It’s result of homogenous global culture. But artist should keep out of iit.
What do you think about plagiarism?
It’s dirty job.
Do you think who is the best Iranian Cartoonist?
Sorry, I’m not clued-up on it.
Who is the best Cartoonist in your country?
Painter, drawer, cartoonist Jerzy Duda-Gracz. He passed away in 2004. Big artist!
Do you think who is the best foreign cartoonist?
Ronald Searle, Bosc, Henry Buettner, Chaval, Tetsu…. and many others.
What's the best cartoon that you've ever seen? If possible send it to us.
I have many favorite cartoons. In this place I can identify Ton Smits cartoon with chick wchich withdraws himself to egg shell. This picture shows me first time philosophical value of cartoon.
How much time do you pay for creating an artwork?
Three days. For painted cartoons average three days. Strokes a little short time.
What are your tools and technique for creating artwork?
I really like to paint. For most of my works I use brushes, acrilic colours, poster- and watercolours mixed with acrilic media, and sometimes airbrush but only for moisturising paper. For drawings I use different pens, technical pens and brushpens. Very important in mixed technics is also coputer support.
So at a glance
Which software do you use?
Photoshop plus Hanvon graphic tablet. On Mac.
What's your recommendation to your colleagues?
P+T+T= Pencil+Training+Thinking
What do you think about cartoon situation in the world?
To be a cartoonist is an exclusive job. We are working for still decreasing population with sense of humor.
Did you ever had problems with your cartoons?
Once. In the eighties one editor of local newspaper told me: We'll not publish your cartoons. We represent taste of labour people.
What was your best cartoon?
That with cow filled of milk... or that with the hanging man and fly-paper...
Have you ever created an immediate Cartoon?
Only sketches.
Have you ever been jury member in any Cartoon Contest?
Three or four times.
What about Caricature?
I do not practise.
Have you ever worked in cooperation with another artist?
On one piece- not. In one editorial- yes.
What's your idea about Irancartoon website?
It's OK
If you were born again what did you choose as your career?
Be a dentist! - no, I'm joking. Happily we are born once.
Do you think whats the boarder between Cartoon and Caricature?
I do not seek such a border.
What and when was your last exhibition?
In Pabianice (small town in central Poland), march this year.
What's your description about cartoon?
Good cartoon that mean inborn skills to creating of grotesque world. That why it's true art, not to falsify!
Do you think an artist can have enough money by creating cartoon and caricature?
I've heard that some caricaturists have enough.
Who's your favorite artist except in cartoon world?
Frans Hals, Francisco Goya, Francis Bacon… and many others.
What was the last book you've read?
Ortega y Gasset, sketches about Velasques and Goya.
Do you think humor can be learned?
Humor is not to learn! Good cartoonist must be much sensitive than common sense of humor.
What's your idea about Black Humor?
I like it!
Who is the best artist in Black Humor?
Roland Topor or Charles Samuel Addams.
What was your last performed Caricature?
Charls Caplin- my first and last caricature.