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Semarang International Doodle Festival #1 2021

Semarang International Doodle Festival #1 2021 Deadline: March 24, 2021

Theme: The Spirit of Education during Pandemic

COVID-19 has had a devastating impact on arts and culture and the education system at large. The pandemic has stopped almost the entire offline education activity system worldwide, leading to the closure of schools, universities, and colleges. It affects about 98.5% of the world’s student population (UNESCO, 2020).

Based on the importance of education during the pandemic, the Department of Visual Arts, Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Semarang, is calling all doodle artists around the world to respond the education issue during COVID-19 pandemic. We will hold and showcase the doodles in the SIDLEFEST (Semarang International Doodle Festival) #1, 2021 with a special theme, “The Spirit of Education during Pandemic”.

Registration & Artwork Submission: March, 1-24
Curatorial: March, 25
Exhibition Opening: March, 30
Virtual Exhibition: March, 30-April, 6

Term & Conditions

Open for public and free of charge.
Participants agree to term and condition established by Sidlefest comitte.
Each participant can only submit one doodle artwork.
The artwork in accordance with to theme.
Artwork’s title and short description should be attached during submission.
The submitted artwork does not certain of politics, hate speech, or pornography.
Participants upload soft files of their work in JPG format by sidlefest website:
https://sidlefest.com/ or online form (click here)

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