Theme: sea
The Associazione Salone Internazionale Umorismo, is a cultural association established in 1993 with headquarters in Bordighera, Via Conca Verde 12 (C.F. 90036520089). In carrying out the social purpose, the Association, as Organising Committee, announces the traditional competition open to humorous artists according to the terms described here.
The exhibition will be held from 22 June to 23 July 2023 at the former Anglican Church of Bordighera and can be consulted online on the website From the 22nd to the 25th June there will be humorists and media and various events will take place in Bordighera. Participation is open to all professional designers with a maximum of 3 drawings.
It has always had a strong bond with humanity, both in terms of economic activities such as fishing and commerce, and in terms of cultural and spiritual traditions. The sea also represents a challenge for man, with its storms and unpredictable currents, but at the same time it is a source of inspiration and wonder. Today the protection of the marine environment, of the coastal areas and above all of the fauna and flora represent a challenge for our survival, as an indispensable regulator of the climate.
How to participate in the contest
– all you have to do is fill in/send the attached participation form with a short biography (500 characters maximum) and use the link to upload the digital files of your works no later than April 25th 2023.
– The works must be in digital format, 30x40 cm at 300dpi, Jpeg, Pdf, Png, Tiff format
The drawings selected by the Organising Committee will be made available to the jurors for their initial evaluation. By 10 May 2023 each member of the Jury will view the works received by accessing an ad hoc web portal and will report five to the Organising Committee, taking into account the following criteria:
- coherence with the theme of the year; originality; graphic quality.
The Committee will collect the selections and invite the jurors to collectively decide the two best drawings during a video conference.
First Prize: Palma d'Oro Trophy. It is a one-lifetime award. The winner becomes a member of the jury with the honour of designing the poster for the next edition.
Second Prize: Dattero d'Oro to the second best classified.
Extraordinary awards.
The awards ceremony takes place during the final evening, on June 25th. The winners will be notified in time to participate.
– declares to be a professional designer and sole author of the works presented and identified as such: (Specify below the title of each of the works and the name of the corresponding file).
acknowledges that the works described above are subject to temporary exclusivity and therefore cannot be used in the context of any other exhibition or published in any “media” before the end of the “MARE” exhibition, established on July 23, 2023;
kindly grants the Associazione Salone Internazionale Umorismo® the authorisation to reproduce the aforementioned works in all publications, catalogues, websites and social networks, exclusively in the context of the promotion, including future ones, of the "International Humor Exhibition;
declares that the works presented are original and unpublished, i.e. never published and/or exhibited;
to indemnify the Associazione Salone Internazionale Umorismo from any and all prejudicial consequences, costs or damages that may derive from the same as a consequence of the violation of this declaration and guarantee.
– notes that the Association
will not accept works that offend the common sense of decency and the dignity of people, that advertise products and/or brands, harm the image of anyone or any religion or religious order including the symbol belonging to it.
acknowledges that each of the works remains the artistic and intellectual property of its author. The works may be used for the creation of the catalogue, therefore the relative editorial rights are granted. The same can be used in subsequent exhibitions both in Italy and abroad
The works will remain in the availability of the Association, in particular the winning drawings of the Palme d'Or and the Golden Date become permanent works of the collection of the Association itself.
Any other use is subject to separate negotiation.