Jon Berkeley - Ireland
Jon Berkeley is a leading Irish illustrator, author and caricaturist.
He was born in Dublin, but a lifelong inability to sit still led him to live and work in Hong Kong, Sydney, and London before settling in Barcelona.
Jon has illustrated over 150 covers for The Economist and well over a thousand for Credit Lyonnais Securities Asia, as well as covers for Newsweek, The New Statesman, American Interest, Foreign Affairs, Volkskrant, the Irish Independent, Nature, Global Legal Post, Prospects, Asian Investor, Terre Eco, Jeune Afrique and Backbone.
His work has featured in Time, The South China Morning Post, The Saturday Evening Post, Atlanta Magazine, Fortune, Insight, GQ, California Lawyer, Men's Fitness, the Financial Times and the Washington Post.
He has worked on major advertising campaigns for Vodafone, RTE, Smirnoff and Merck.
When he is not illustrating he writes novels for young readers.
He is the author of the Wednesday Tales trilogy, which has been published in over a dozen languages, and The Hidden Boy, both from Harper Collins.
His novel The Palace of Laughter was shortlisted for the Bisto Book Award.
Jon's illustration work has been recognized by Creative Quarterly, the Society of News Design, Communication Arts, Directory of Illustration.
Jon's solo show 'About Face' opened the Irish - Catalan festival in 2014.
A solo exhibition of his work for the 1916 Centenary took place in Dublin in late 2016.