Florian Doru Crihana - Romania
Florian Doru Crihana was born on 7th April 1958 in Galati, Romania.
He graduated at the Naval Architecture Institute in Galati.
In 1985 debut in cartoon competitions in the "Summer Salon. Braila Romania.
In 1986 his debut in press at Rebus Magazine.
In 1989 he won the first international prizes, an Honourable Mention in the Aydin Dogan Competition Ankara, Turkey and Grand Prix Novi Sad, Yugoslavia.
He is a professional cartoonist since 1990 when he gave up his engineer job and dedicated himself to cartoon and painting.
In 1990 he met Dieter Burkamp, journalist, collector and exhibitions organizer.
They became friends and collaborated for many years.
Burkamp organized in Germany solo exhibitions for Crihana in Sennestadt, Lemgo, Celle, Goslar, Oerlinghausen.
Dieter and Gisela Burkamp arranged that his works were exhibited near famous artist of all time like Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dab, Gustave Dore, William Hogarth and also near artists who changed cartoon history like Andrd Frangois, Loriot, Ronald Searle, Ralf Steadman, A. Paul Weber, Sempd, Roland Toper, Adolf Born and others in the Wilhelm Busch Museum Hannover, Monchehaus Museum Goslar, Museum im Schloss Bad Pyrmont.
In 2007 he became a member of UAP The Romanian Artist Union.
In 2009 Dieter Burkamp publishes the monography "Florian Doru Crihana Satirische ldyllen. at "Kerber Art.
Publishig House Germany. Mr. Crihana is the winner of over 70 international prizes, many juries member and owner of numerous honor distinctions.
He displayed solo exhibitions also in the Cartoon Museum Warsaw, Poland; the House of Humor and Satire Gabrovo, Bulgaria; Bruder Grimm Haus Steinau, Germany; the European Cartoon Centre in Kruishoutem, Belgium; Sapienza Universita di Roma; Art Gallery Legnica, Poland; Town Hall Brugge, Belgium; among many others.
Florian Doru Crihana is living and working in Galati, Romania.