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Interview with Saeed Sadeghi

Interview with Saeed Sadeghi

Saeed Sadeghi, cartoonist, caricaturist and illustrator, was born in Jahrom, 1974 and received BA in painting from Tehran University of Arts (Isfahan Campus) and he is a teacher at secondary school.
Collaborating with the press and news agencies as a cartoonist, receiving several national and international awards, holding solo exhibitions and participating in many group exhibitions in Iran and different countries as well as publishing his works in catalogs and international cartoon websites are among his activities.

Sadeghi has won more than 100 national and international awards so far, and has recently launched an art institution. He has recently achieved prestigious awards. Here is our interview with him:

You have recently achieved a lot of success like being a finalists and nominees of the Grand Prix of the 2021 European Cartoon Award for your cartoon “immigrant”, of IT contest of United Kingdom, winning third prizes at the 18th International Cartoon and Comic Festival of Kosovo 202 and the 28th International Cartoon and Comic Festival of Colombia 2021. You also received the second prize of the International Press Cartoon Festival of Indian (Maya Kamas Memorial) 2019.

please tell you about these events and festivals.

The European Caricature Award was provided by the European Press Award and the Europa Maastricht Studio in 2019; The year in which the New York Times decided to stop using editorial cartoons.
The Europa Maastricht Studio and the European Press Award provided this prize (10,000 euros ) with the aim of bolstering cartoonists courage and improving the quality of cartoons and conversations about the subjects related to Europe and to encourage cartoonists to continue their main task. For the second festival in 2021, one of my works entitled "Immigration", which was published on the popular cartoon site of the Netherlands, has become a finalist and a candidate for the Grand prize.


Sadeghi's work entitled "Immigration"

The five pieces of my artworks were selected in Techvertu contest for final competition, this festival has been hold by our compatriot engineer Amir Ghoreishi and Techvertu company.


the picture of 5 cartoons selected for the first international IT festival in the United Kingdom.


A work by Sadeghi that won the third prize of the 18th Kosovo 2021 International Cartoon and Comics Festival


Sadeghi's work won the third prize of the 28th Columbia Cartoon and Comic Festival

The Indian Press Cartoon Award, held in memory of Maya Kamas by the Indian Cartoonists Association, and the sent works must have been published in the press during the last year. Although it does not have significant awards, it is judged very regularly and rigorously. Apparently, I was second in this festival in 2019, and there was no closing celebration due to Corona.

The work of Saeed Sadeghi, with which he won the second place in the Indian Cartoon Press Award, Maya Kamas Memorial

Tell us about your recent activities and what you have been doing these days?

I teach my students, and I have been teaching for 29 years, I am going to be retired, so I don’t have enough time, that is why I create limited pieces.

What about your institution?

It is called Sadeghi’s Art House, which has been launched for 7 years, we have students of different ages, and we teach drawing, painting, pottery, handicrafts, and calligraphy there, and we teach various techniques of drawing and painting to adults.

Have you recently had significant artworks as a response to current issues in Iran and the world? Please tell us about an artist’s duty in response to these types of events, and the effects of a cartoon in this regard?

Well, I cannot be reluctant to the social issues, I have a page on Instagram where my followers certainly follow my works. My mission is to create artworks that tell us about peace, neither violence nor war. 

I think you have recently judged festivals. Does it interfere creating artwork?

If you have a keen sight and knowledge about issues related to cartoon and events and news and contests, then you have the potential for being juror, and I am glad that the contests’ secretaries trust me. Fortunately, my field of study and teaching are all in the same direction, are focused on the visual arts, so they broaden my point of view.

What is your future vision according to the changes made by the Corona Virus?

Now a day, some of my friends are using virtual platform to sell their work, and it may be a new experience to present my works.







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