I started to publish my works in the late 70's in the tourism newspaper Partir, in the magazine Ficção, Revista Visão (SP), O Pasquim and in the supplement O Pingente. In 1978 I traveled to France. There, I published in the newspaper Libération and in the newspaper The Center Report of Kenya. Back in Brazil in 1982, I was presented by Guidacci at the exhibition Criaturas II at Funarte. As a freelancer I illustrated and published cartoons in the extinct Ed. Vecchi, Mad Magazine and Spectro. I also published in Status Humor magazine, Ovelha Negra do Geandré and in the house organ of Banco Nacional, Jornal do Guarda Chuva. I illustrated the book DIDÓ by Sônia Hirsh and in 2005 I collaborated as a cartoonist in Caderno B of Jornal do Brasil. currently I make cartoons for the site, Cartoon Movement - Netherlands, Online magazine SatiraOpinion - Spain, textbooks and children's books. Honorable Mention at the XVII Salón Mercosur Internacional Diógenes Taborda – Argentina and 3rd International Day to End Impunity Award – Editorial Cartoon Contest – 2012. Honorable Mention - 1st International Caricature Biennial - 2013. Honorable Mention - OSTEN World Gallery of Cartoons - 2013 Etc. ...