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Pictorial Report Cartoon Exhibition Reverse Thinking A Selection Of Turkish Artists - Iran 2017
0 Comments | 4 Likes| Pictorial | Report | Cartoon | Exhibition | Reverse Thinking | Selection | Turkish Artists | Iran | 2017

In the name of the Creator of Beauty
Since human has been trying to attract the attention of others by carving images of objects on stone, till now that cyberspace and technology, more than ever, made it possible for people to exchange ideas, cartoon is still an exciting option for expressing opinions in the form of poetry and humor; a powerful, influential and comprehensible language for a wide range of global audiences.
The "Reverse Thinking" exhibition is a good opportunity to have a glance at a selected of works of Turkish cartoon artists. The selected works include 50 artworks of the well-known artists with mostly social and critical topics; like an opened-window showing us a mysterious world that induces smile and reflection.

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