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Xxiv International Festival Of Satire And Humor /Italy-2016
1 Comment | 1 Like | Xxiv | International | Festival | Satire | Humor | Italy | 2016

Cartoon :
Enrolment conditions
Any Italian and foreign artists can enrol.
The minimum age is 16 years.
Each participant is allowed to submit max 3 original
works, not rewarded or reported in other competitions.
Artistic languages
Illustration/ satire/ humor: size A4/A3.
Cartoon max 2 pages size A4/A3.
Animations video maximum running time of 1 minute.
Rules concerning the dispatch of works
The works must be sent in digital format to This email address
resolution of 300 dpi and saved in jpg or tiff format at
the highest quality.
Important: the images can be max 5MB, for images
larger than 5MB use
Entries must be received no later than April, 17 2016.
Selection of works
The international jury will select the works that will
be exhibited in the exhibition and published in the
online catalog and sent in pdf format to the selected authors.
The three winning authors will be hosted at the
expense of study Art Andromeda in Trento within
three days of the inauguration.
1° prize € 1000,00
2° prize € 700,00
3° prize € 500,00
Cartoon special prize € 300,00
10 mentions
Price winning cerimony and exibition of works
The award ceremony will be in october 2016, the exact
date will be announced later..
Rights and royalties
The authors, taking part in the competition, give the
non-exclusive right to publish the work in any medium
for promotional purposes by Studio d’Arte Andromeda
not have any claim as copyright
Form to be completed by author
and mail to:

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  • momu 9 years ago

    hi ther..i have 3 quetions? wht is maximum age for participing this conv?and is shell the work be in black and white?and the wok is 3 catigory? thx

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