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The List Of Cartoonists In Catalog /16th Portocartoon World Festival-2014
2 Comments | 5 Likes| List | F Cartoonists | Catalog | Portocartoon | World | Festival | 2014

the list of cartoonists in catalog /16th portocartoon world festival-2014
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  • daniel Eduardo Varela 10 years, 10 months ago

    nesecito ponerme en contacto con dicho festival para saber sí fui alegido en el Catalogo, les agradecería dicha información saludos. Daniel Eduardo Varela

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    • B V Panduranga Rao 10 years, 8 months ago

      Dear Sir,Thanks for including my cartoon for the exhibition this year ( 2014 ) too. In all , my cartoons have been included for exhibition and catalogue 5 times Sir, I have not recd cartoon catalogues of the years 2012, 2013, 2014. Please send the same. with regards . B V Panduranga Rao, 191, AMS Layout, 2 main road, Vidyaranyapura, Bangalore - 560097,INDIA

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