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The International Competition Of Cartoon And Caricature On Zionist Caliphate
0 Comments | 5 Likes| International | Competition | Cartoon | Caricature | Zionist | Caliphate

A: The caricature of Theodor Herzl, the founder of the Zionist State.
B: The caricature of the Queen of England.
A: Zionism, terrorism and racism.
B: ISIS genocide and terrorism in the name of religion.
The awards:
A big $ 5000 awards for the Cartoon section.
A $ 1000 award for the Caricature section.
Four $ 500 awards for the four selceted works.
Rules regarding the competition:
 There is no limit in sending catoons and caricature, but they should be in the format of 300 dpi. jpg.
The deadline of sending your caricatures and cartoons is July.16.2016 (two month after the Nakba day).
Don’t forget to make a file containing your first and last names and your phone number and email us at 
Racism and terrorism in the name of religion is the biggest threat to the humanity’s freedom and peace. Zionists and Takfiris are like two edges of the same pair of scissors acting against humans. To fight against their malice, we conjoin and draw cartoons and caricatures.

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