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The First International Cartoon Festival On Safe & Optimal Consumption Of Natural Gas/ Alborz / Iran / 2017
0 Comments | 1 Like | First | International | Cartoon | Festival | Safe | Optimal | Consumption | Natural | Gas | Alborz | Iran | 2017


Safe and Optimal Consumption of Gas

“Consumption Optimization and observation the gas safety tips”

For more information, please Click Here 

 Conditions  :

-Each participant can send maximum 6 works

-Sending (Name, family name, post address, Email address and Tel) of artists Just by word file is necessary

- Festival catalogue will be given to those artists whose works will be published (please apply extreme attention in writing your mailing address and contact information)

-Artworks must be A4 and A3 in size , 300 dpi  by jpg format.

- The Artworks, published -and  Awarded In Other Festivals Or Competitions, Are Not Accepted And They Will Be Rejected In The Judgment Stage.

-There is no limitation in the employed techniques

-Secretariat of the festival has the copyright of printing and exhibiting the received works

-Attending in the competition means the artists agree with all rules of the festival


First prize: 3.000.000 toman, Honorable mention & Trophy.

Second prize: 2.000.000 toman, Honorable mention & Trophy.

Third prize: 1.000.000 toman, Honorable mention & Trophy.

10Special Prize: 500.000 toman, Honorable mention & Trophy

 3Special Prize of technical jury alborz gas: Honorable mention & Trophy



 Address for sending artworks:


For more information, please send your questions to the following email address:


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