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Rules Of International Dhc Cartoon Contest(Hungary) / 2016
0 Comments | 1 Like | Rules | International | Dhc | Cartoon | Contest | Hungary | 2016

Contest Rules of "Heat of home - District heating and the things behind"
In respect of the Contest the Contest Rules are a legally binding agreement.To enter the Contest the Contestant must agree to these Contest Rules.Contestants may participate in the Contest only if they read, agree to and accept in their own name the Contest Rules and demonstrate it by filling in, signing and submitting the Entry form which is part of this Contest Rules.By submitting the fully completed and signed Entry form Contestants accept the Contest Rules.Those who do not agree to the Contest Rules are not eligible to participate in the Contest.
1. Eligibility
The Contest is open to natural persons who are 18 years of age or older and have legal capacity.Each Contestant may submit 5 entries in A4 size without text and without any technical restrictions.(File properties: CYMK, jpg, high resolution - the Gmail account is able to send messages up to 10 MB in size.)
A full application consists of the entry (entries) and the Entry form.

the following e-mail address:
The following persons are not eligible to participate in the Contest:
(Ii) those who do not meet the terms and conditions of the Contest Rules;
(Iii) the employees and immediate families of Veolia Energia Magyarország Zrt.and its subsidiaries or of the companies involved in the announcement and organization of the Contest commissioned by Veolia Energia Magyarország Zrt.
2. Validity of the Contest
Applications are valid only if
a) they include the entry / entries complying with the above specified content and form requirements
b) and one fully completed application form signed by the Contestant;
c) the Contestant meets the eligibility requirements of the Contest Rules;
d) they are received until 15th March 2016, 24: 00h.Applications are invalid if
a) they are submitted by an ineligible individual;
b) they are submitted after the submission deadline;
c) they do not meet the content requirements;
d) they do not meet the formal requirements;
e) they do not include the fully completed application form signed by the Contestant.
3. By entering this Contest (by submitting a valid application) the Contestant undertakes to adhere to these Contest Rules which shall be published on website following the announcement of the Contest;furthermore the Contestant agrees to accept the decision of the jury, which decision shall be binding in every respect.Any breach of the Contest Rules may result in disqualification of the Contestant.
Veolia Energia Magyarország Zrt.reserve, at their discretion, the right to disqualify any Contestant that in their opinion:
a) interferes or attempts to interfere with the entry process or the operation of the Contest;
b) does not respect the Contest Rules;
c) provides any false information related to the identity, postal address or ownership rights of the Contestant or related to any data or information in relation to the Contest;
d) infringes the rights of any third party or breaches any legislation.
4. Within the framework of the Contest, three Contestants will be awarded the following prizes:
• 1st place: 300 EUR
• 2nd place: 200 EUR
• 3rd place: 100 EUR
The jury can give 3 diplomas for the best arts.Not any money reward belongs to the diplomas.
The entries will be judged by an independent jury.
The Jury will make its decision based on the following criteria:
• depicting the topic of the Contest,
• uniqueness of visual presentation,
• elaborateness of the entry,
• artistic value,
• creativity.


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