Results Of "Shopping Is Life" Of The First Czech Cartoon Contest
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Results of "shopping is life" of the first Czech Republic Cartoon Contest


Results of "shopping is life" of the first Czech Republic Cartoon Contest
2012 will be held in the month of September, in conjunction with the award ceremony, the exhibition will be exhibited in various parts of Turkey's karikatürlerden a Finalist in the contest will be made in the distribution of the album.
The result of the contest as a result of the evaluation of the jury as follows.

Czech Republic won
first place from the Pavel MATUSKA
The competition prize of $ 2000, with prize money of 1000 second and third 500 USD plaque
2. Viladimir KAZANEVSKY (Ukraine)

3. Nikola LISTES (Croatia)

Honorable Mention: Hamza Akin (Turkey)

Honorable Mention: Milenko KOSONOVIC (Serbia)

Honorable Mention: Muammer KOTBA (Turkey)