I have learned that news, about my Award of Success of which I had deemed to worthy at the 32nd International Nasreddin Hoca Caricature Competition, are circulating on some web sites in Turkey.
This information I have received made me felt deep sorrow.
Metin Peker, the President of the Association of Caricaturists in Turkey called me one week after the 32nd International Nasreddin Hoca Caricature Competition and told me that they would transmit my money prize to me as soon as possible.
Mr. Metin Peker wanted to transmit my money prize via Western Union. But Western Union could not be used for money order between Turkish Republic and Iran Islamic Republic. Then he called me second time and asked me how he could transmit my money prize. I told him that he could transmit my 1.000 dollars money prize to the bank account of my wife in Germany. Yet again he could not realize it. Because 1.000 dollars money prize had been granted to my name.
On our last telephone call between me and Metin Peker, the president of the Association of Caricaturists in Turkey, we have agreed upon the solution that my money prize would be delivered to Sadegh BAGHERY who would come to Turkey for a touristic tour on 15th June 2013.
The International Nasreddin Hoca Caricature Competition is one of the most trustable, credible and important competitions in the world and I have pursued it since 1974 and attended at this competition as Jury member more than one time.
The fact that my money prize was not transmitted to me or it was retarded is not a result of an attitude on purpose. This is not the case in question.
I wanted to make the caricaturist be informed on how the event was realized. The retardation is not an act on purpose. I am sure that Mr. Metin Peker will deliver my 1.000 dollars money prize to Sadegh BAGHERY on his touristic visit to Turkey on 15th June.
Best regards
Kambiz Derambakhsh
Mr Sadegh Baghery is great, in 2010 when almost nobody could help me, Mr Baghery contacted Mr Metin Peker and cashed my prize.
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