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Jury Members Of The 18th International Salon Of Antiwar Cartoon- 2015/Kragujevac (Serbia)
1 Comment | 3 Likes| Jury | Members | International | Salon | Antiwar | Cartoon | 2015 | Kragujevac | Serbia

 jury members of the 18th International Salon of Antiwar Cartoon- 2015/Kragujevac (Serbia)

1. METIN PEKER, cartoonist, president (Turkey),

 2. TOSO BORKOVIC, cartoonist (Serbia),

 3. JUGOSLAV VLAHOVIC, cartoonist (Serbia),

 4. SPIRO RADULOVIC, cartoonist (Serbia) and

 5. MIODRAG STOJILOVIC, journalist (Serbia).



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  • ANTÓNIO SANTOS-SANTIAGU 9 years, 6 months ago

    Your mailbox is full. How can I send my cartoon?

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