Your biography in 3 lines
I work as a freelance cartoonist. In the past. I worked in aviation and was football player in the second division football. I worked 25 years as a teacher at a children's club. I carried with them a dozen caricatures and cartoons for children.
What was your first satirical cartoon?
I published my first drawing in our only national magazine, really important, called URZICA. This happened in 1970.
When did you start your professional working?
I started working as a freelancer since 1989. I do not consider myself a professional. I can only say that I love very much caricature and I have great admiration for the great cartoonists of the world. There are designers who think brilliant metaphors in their designs. There are many such cartoonists and I would make a mistake if I call some, s forgetting you call others.
What was your first prize?
My first major award was first prize, won in Montreal for comics, I think in 1981
What was your last prize?
Last prize (Silver Award) I received it a month ago, in 2015 China Confucius in the Caricature & Eyes of Artists International Competition & Exhibition.
How do you find new ideas?
New ideas can fail in a second or can be built in a week. Sometimes finisher until an idea, a walk in the city, in the bathroom, supermarket, etc. Recipe is always the same. Looking for two terms how most remote and establishes a relationship between them humorous and metaphorical surprising.
What’s your idea about Inevitable Similarities?
There are millions of similar ideas. If a million ideas anyone can find one that has never been done sometime, somewhere, likewise, they deserve to receive a prize of one million dollars. There are drawings that were done a hundred times, a hundred different authors. Of course, similar thinking is unpleasant but can not be avoided.
Unfortunately, when someone receives a prize always is trying to discredit the authors, making use similar designs pretext. The reasoning is that the winning drawing does not make any damn, that idea has been used. So they were offended in this way many truly great masters of caricature, which actually deserves all our respect for their work and value.
What do you think about plagiarism?
It happens and cases of plagiarism, when drawing copy all or fragments of drawings made by other authors.
Do you think who is the best Iranian Cartoonist?
An Iranian cartoonist Kambiz Derambakhsh is extraordinary. But in Iran there is a large number of cartoonists who are touched by genius wing. They are among the most talented in international caricature gallery. I do not think cartoonists in the world rankings.
Who is the best Cartoonist in your country?
In my country I consider as the most talented cartoonists call Matty Aslan,Constantin Ciosu, Mihai Stanescu and Mihai Ignat.
Do you think who is the best foreign cartoonist?
There are several large cartoonists in the world. The more I like Dusan Petricic. My opinion is a genius of caricature, children's books and animated cartoons of..
What's the best cartoon that you've ever seen?
The drawing that I could not forget it's Dusan Petricic. It is one that has won many years ago, the Grand Prix in Tokyo.
How much time do you pay for creating an artwork?
Sometimes quite quickly create drawings. About ten years ago I collaborate simultaneously with four ziare.Trebuia do about 120 drawings per month. It happens that I had to do it all in one week, because previously worked in something else. Then even caricatures working with a very high speed. In a drawing of participating in the exhibition, and a few days work, especially if it is complex
What are your tools and technique for creating artwork?
Do not work with sophisticated tools. Using only a pen and colored inks.
Which software do you use?
I prefer to make drawings by hand. Have more heat. Sometimes the drawings to press them a little help from Photoshop.
What's your recommendation to your colleagues?
- I like to think that all cartoonists in the world are brothers in their passion for caricature. My main recommendation is to respect our people and especially as to respect everyone's work. Envy and malice are unfortunately completely humorless.
What do you think about cartoon situation in the world?
I think that the caricature is among the few sectors that is developing very well. There is great humor and specific for each meridian. We see this with great pleasure especially catalogs caricature.
Did you ever had problems with your cartoons?
I had no problems.
What was your best cartoon?
Best drawing of mine is always the last one I take.
Have you ever created an immediate Cartoon?
I Often made drawings immediately.
Have you ever been jury member in any Cartoon Contest?
I was part often in national and international juries.
What about Caricature?
I Say the cartoon is a way of life. You can leave a woman but you can not never leave caricature.
Have you ever worked in cooperation with another artist?
I have two sons who are caricature and they often collaborate when you realize caricatures. I realized often caricatures by ideas that they have given me.
What's your idea about Irancartoon website?
The site is a website IRANCARTOON very complex and very alive. It is nice that it is concerned with promoting the art of caricature. We find out what is new and exciting in the cartoon world.
If you were born again what did you choose as your career?
Normal ... I'd be all caricaturist.
Do you think whats the boarder between Cartoon and Caricature?
There should be a line between realistic drawing, caricature drawing and painting. There are different things and should not be mixed. Juries have some moments of confusion and appreciate,a caricature that looks like a painting is much better than one made with a caricature line. Things can stand totally opposite.
What and when was your last exhibition?
My -Last caricature exhibition was a month ago, in my town, Focsani.
What's your description about cartoon?
Caricature is a wonderful art that tells a lot without using any word.
Do you think an artist can have enough money by creating cartoon and caricature?
With a little luck can live and of the caricature. But I am sure that Lionel Messi or Roger Federer live better in their passions
What was the last book you've read?
The Last book I read Umberto Eco is the NUMBER ZERO.
Do you think humor can be learned?
I think a man is born with a sense of humor. Humor is something on which we have or do not have it .. But there are recipes learning mechanism humor. In some countries there are faculties of caricature. Certainly there are taught lessons about humor.
What's your idea about Black Humor?
Black humor is a genre that I like but not very much. Interestingly though someone laugh provoking a situation that is very serious, sad or scary.
Who is the best artist in Black Humor?
I think the best cartoonist of black humor is Claude Serre.
What was your last performed Cartoon?
I enclose attached my last cartoon.(above)