Your biography in 3 lines
Nikola Listes was born 1960. in Split, Croatia. He worked for many newspapers and magazines all over world (West Australien, Heideheimer Neue Presse, Die Bricke...). He has received more than fifty international awards.
What was your first satirical cartoon?
I can't remmeber what it was butt I'm pretty sure it was during my High School years. It was mostly caricatures of my proffesors.
When did you start your professional working?
I think it was at late seventies last century, in some obscure local newspapers.
What was your first published artwork?
My first cartoon series was published in sport magazine „SN-revija“.
What was your first prize?
I think it was Porto 2002. god, Honorable Mention, I was thrilled when I recived award.
What was your last prize?
Vianden, Luxemburg, 2015. god, third prize.
How do you find new ideas?
By watching TV, mostly News and stupid political shows.
Whats your idea about Inevitable Similarities?
Stuff like that happens, I always try avoiding it.
What do you think about plagiarism?
I have no respect for people who do that kind of thing.
Do you think who is the best Iranian Cartoonist?
I like art from Mahmood Azadnia. Great colorist, and I can also tell he likes comics like me, and legendary Kambiz Derambakhsh.
Who is the best Cartoonist in your country?
We have a lot of good cartoonist: Reinsinger, Štambuk, Puntari?...
Do you think who is the best foreign cartoonist?
There is a lot of them. It's hard to make just few examples, I can only select those few who left their mark on me: Sempe, Quino, Searle, Kambiz, Thompson, Kosobukin, Dragostinov, Pol Leurs, Boligan...
What's the best cartoon that you've ever seen? If possible send it to us.
There are to many to just pick one.
How much time do you pay for creating an artwork?
I spend most of my time on creating basic idea, drawing part goes a lot easier.
What are your tools and technique for creating artwork?
I mostly use combination of various traditional tehniques such as aquarel, colored penciles and everything that is by my hand.
Which software do you use?
I use Photoshop CSS for my works.
What's your recommendation to your colleagues?
Follow your insticts.
What do you think about cartoon situation in the world?
It's not good for cartoon and caricature, because people have less and less reason for laughing. It' s almost like sombody has taken humor from peoples mind.
Did you ever had problems with your cartoons?
Once a editor got scared of my drawning because it was caricature of newspapers owner, but he still has published it.
What was your best cartoon?
I think it was cartoon that won on Iran competion 2011. It was a cartoon of city that has tranform in a giant crossword whit two tourist trying to solve it.
Have you ever been jury member in any Cartoon Contest?
A lot of times. It's a very difficult job.
What about Caricature?
Olso I have drawn a lot of them during my years in newspaper.
Have you ever worked in cooperation with another artist?
Yes, mostly with portrait caricatures, when our task is to draw a group of people.
What's your idea about Irancartoon website?
It' s great, I wouldn't touch a thing.
If you were born again what did you choose as your career?
I wouldn't change a thing.
Do you think whats the boarder between Cartoon and Caricature?
Should there be a boarder.
What and when was your last exhibition?
It was two years ago in Zagreb.
What's your description about cartoon?
A good cartoon has to speak a thousnd words. Something like a a evergreen song.
Do you think an artist can have enough money by creating cartoon and caricature?
Money, What is that...?
Who's your favorite artist except in cartoon world?
It's Salvador Dali
What was the last book you've read?
Unfortunately, I don't have much time, so I haven't read any books in a while. I mostly read graphic novel, last one I read was „Watchman“, from writer Alna Moore and artist Dave Gibbons.
Do you think humor can be learned?
Good humor can't be learned.
What's your idea about Black Humor?
I'm not very big fan of Black Humor.
Who is the best artist in Black Humor?
I like works of Don Martin.
What was your last performed Caricature?
I hope that time hasn't come yet.
This interview will be used in both English and Persian websites and also in Iran Cartoon Magazine.