Your biography in 3 lines
Carlos Alberto da Costa AMORIM was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, in 1964. Actually he publishes his editorials cartoons, caricatures and comics strips in many brazilian newspapers and magazines.
What was your first satirical cartoon?
My first editorial cartoon was foi publicado no semanário Pasquim, em 1983.
When did you start your professional working?
At the same time.
What was your first prize?
My first prize was in 1985, in the Salão de Humor de Niterói- Brazil
What was your last prize?
Sincerely, I dont know... LLLLLLL
How do you find new ideas?
I read newspapers, listen radio, walking on the street...
Whats your idea about Inevitable Similarities?
It happens. All cartoonists in the world work with the same material : the human being
What do you think about plagiarism?
Inevitable. Only with regulations of humor contests prepared to prevent this type of dishonesty is that we could avoid this problem.
Do you think who is the best Iranian Cartoonist?
Javad Alizadeh
Who is the best Cartoonist in your country?
Do you think who is the best foreign cartoonist?
Quino today and J.Carlos (a former Brazilian cartoonist )
What's the best cartoon that you've ever seen? If possible send it to us.
Any of J.Carlos J

How much time do you pay for creating an artwork?
One hour… one hour and half ...
What are your tools and technique for creating artwork?
I use cheap papers, black ink and Drawing pen with metal nib
Which software do you use?
I use only Photoshop
What's your recommendation to your colleagues?
Dear coleagues: Keep clean (only in your souls)
What do you think about cartoon situation in the world?
The world is changing and the cartoonist need to quickly adapt to this change . It is painful but it is a matter of survival.
Did you ever had problems with your cartoons?
Sometimes people do not understand that the cartoon is just a dirty paper ink ... But in the end, it all finished in the best possible way.
What was your best cartoon?
I would not know ... probably some that only I found funny.
Have you ever created an immediate Cartoon?
I don’t think so...(?)
Have you ever been jury member in any Cartoon Contest?
I was part of tens of juris all these years. Even I participated as a jury member of the Third International Exhibition Tehran Cartoon Exhibition in 1997
What about Caricature?
I love, produce and publish regularly in Brazil
Have you ever worked in cooperation with another artist?
Only collaborating on specific projects. Never co-authored
What's your idea about Irancartoon website?
One of the most important in the cartoon world. A reference!
If you were born again what did you choose as your career?
Business Administration. Really
Do you think whats the boarder between Cartoon and Caricature?
For me there is no such boundary. Everything is Humor, we are trying to analyze the life around us.
What and when was your last exhibition?
My last exhibition will take place now, in the next International Exhibition of Piracicaba Humor. in August 2015 ...
What's your description about cartoon?
The language that I use to communicate. Not Portuguese, not English ... It's Graphic Humour.
Do you think an artist can have enough money by creating cartoon and caricature?
No, absolutely!
Who's your favorite artist except in cartoon world?
Vincent Van Gogh
What was the last book you've read?
“1808” by Laurentino Gomes/ GLOBO LIVROS
Do you think humor can be learned?
Not exactly taught. The teacher can develop existing skills in students
What's your idea about Black Humor?
All humor is valid, but we need to know in advance who will be the reader who will receive that cartoon.
Who is the best artist in Black Humor?
Gary Larson...
Sam Gross...
What was your last performed Caricature?
A two months ago...