Sections and Subjects:
Cartoon: Trumpism
Trump & Racism
Trump & immigration
Trump & The Wall
Trump & Mass media (Reporters)
Trump & Humiliation of women
Trump & Tweet
Caricature:Donald Trump
- Each Participant can send maximum 5 artworks to each section
- Sent artworks should not have won any prize before
- Sent artworks should not be published in the catalogs of this biennial before
- Artworks must be emailed in png or jpg format, 300 dpi resolution and 2000 pixel width or length
- A word file containing full name, postal address, email address, phone number, photo and CV is kindly needed.
- A volume of the Catalog will be sent to the artists whose artworks have been published in.
Cartoon Section:
First Prize: 1500$ with Trophy and Honorable Mention
Second Prize: 1000$ with Trophy and Honorable Mention
Third Prize:500$ with Trophy and Honorable Mention
Caricature Section:
First Prize: 1500$ with Trophy and Honorable Mention
Second Prize: 1000$ with Trophy and Honorable Mention
Third Prize: 500$ with Trophy and Honorable Mention
Jury members:
Luc Descheemaeker from Belgium
Silvano Mello from Brazil
Dr.Habib Sadeghi from Iran
Mohammadreza Doustmohammadi from Iran
Mahmood Azadnia from Iran
5th May 2017
Email address for sending artworks:
Tel:+98 21 88 911 214 , +98 21 88 911 215
Fax:+98 21 88 911 219