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Gallery Of Watercolor Paintings By Iain Stewart - Usa
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Iain Stewart - USA
Iain Stewart is a watercolor artist / illustrator and a signature member of both the American and National Watercolor Societies. His work has received numerous awards in international competition and he is a sought after juror and workshop instructor. He is also an architectural illustrator with an international clientele- a business he has run for the last 20 years. Iain maintains a studio in Opelika, Alabama.
I rely on instinct a great deal and my sketchbook when selecting subjects for my paintings. The lion’s share of my work is done in one sitting as my real struggle in painting is to capture the initial vision for any given piece. I am most often motivated by capturing a definitive lighting condition and how it influences shape and value rather than faithfully representing the subject as witnessed. Watercolor is uniquely suited for this task as “light” is reserved from the first brush strokes and must be protected throughout the painting process .
The underlying narrative in my work is not based on any theme in particular but but quite simply how “place” is inhabited and used daily.
I often use remembered atmospheric and lighting conditions in my work and would say that I paint from life and memory simultaneously. My watercolors are not only a translation of what I see, but more importantly, an expression of how I choose to view the world.
Iain Stewart is an award winning watercolor artist and a signature member of the National Watercolor Society.
His work has received numerous awards in international competition. Most recently his watercolor “Thurlow Dam, Tallassee Alabama” was honored with a Purchase Award from the National Watercolor Society, his work “5th Avenue in Rain” was selected for inclusion in the Shanghai Zhujiajiao International Watercolour Biennial Exhibition, and his watercolor Grace Church will be on exhibition at the Salmagundi Club in New York for the American Watercolor Society’s 146th Annual International Exhibition in April 2013.
His paintings have been published in Southern Living, Cottage Living, Better Homes and Gardens, The Robb Report, Watercolor Artist Magazine and the French publication Pratique des Arts in addition to numerous regional and local publications.
Iain will have a feature article in The Art of Watercolor, the world’s premier water media publication, in the March 2013 issue and he is also featured in Watercolor Artist’s July 2013 issue.
Iain maintains a studio in Opelika, Alabama, and in addition to gallery work, is an Architectural Illustrator with an international clientele and is an Adjunct Professor at Auburn University. Iain also teaches watercolor workshops both nationally and abroad. 2013 will find him in Turkey, Germany, the Netherlands, and Scotland.


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