Born in 1971 Lives in the north of France near the Belgian border
After 20 years of self-taught learning
Training at the art school of Douai
Then with ceramists (Virginie Besengez, Agnes His)
Exhibits regularly in galleries
Participates in ceramic markets, fairs and festivals
The work of the "land" has always been part of the life of Anne-Sophie. From her childhood, between her and the earth a tense and tense relationship developed.
She loves clay, its contact, its smell, its suppleness but also its requirements.
Over the years Anne Sophie has practiced various techniques.
She particularly likes the work in the columbins which gives her time, like a slow music, to see her characters born. Its sculptures are made of finely chamotted sandstone, colored by subtle engobes.
Her inspirations are "little things" on which she takes the time to stop.
She likes to observe them, to detail them, sometimes to place them in a decayed context. It is thus that it gives us to see a poetic world which reminds us of our most intimate emotions.
Anne-Sophie Gilloen's work is made of sensuality and intuition.
She has created a universe filled with poetic fellows, all telling in their way something about moments of life. She especially enjoys working with coils and slips. People, their emotions, doubts and dreams inspire her. Therefore, her sculptures move in a poetic universe, throwing us back to our most intimate emotions.