Venezuelan, Graphic designer, Posterist and Illustrator, residing in Santa Ana de Coro - Falcón, graduated from the Institute of Technology Rodolfo Loero Arismendi 2006, Diploma in Museography and Museology LUZ 2008, poster of conviction his pieces have participated in salons and design contests And posters have been selected and exhibited in different parts of the world: Peru, Italy, the USA, Iran, Japan, Ecuador, Haiti, Chile, India, Germany and Venezuela, their posters have been published in books and magazines dedicated to the graphic arts.
He is founder and director of Creacartel Contest of Posters, was Design Director in the Department of Art of INCUDEF, is a designer in the Entrelocos Art Collective, is an active member of Redesign and also directs his CREAtica design studio.
He has done his Graphic Design Studies, at the Rodolfo Loero Arismendi Institute of Technology, is a Poster Design Specialist, corporate image, illustration, he has participated in different congresses of Graphic Design and Visual Communication in Venezuela, Peru and Colombia. Based on The Image Study para ASI CREATE A Visual, complete concept Reaching Forever A direct, strong and ... read more Dedicated impact With much, that a turn The same sea very simple simple and ASI para LEAVE A footprint, Is responsible for designing posters for cultural activities, as well as many of his works son to the theme of social THROUGH their posters Search to make a call to our society and thus shout out a visual message to mankind.
His posters have participated in different exhibitions such as Germany, Italy, Peru, Japan, Iran, Turkey, Spain, Mexico, Russia, Ecuador, Argentina, Venezuela and MANY countries of the World, including the Museum of Decorative Arts in Paris France.
I worked as a graphic designer of the Department of Art and Design of INCUDEF and in the Gallery of Art of Santa Rosa (2006-2009) designing many posters for their cultural events, was a designer at the Entre-Locos Art Foundation, I was also creative director at The design studio NARANJA GRÁFICA (2010) and in TOMATE VERDE (2011), head of design at the Salesiana Editorial Foundation (2012), is nowadays the most important ... read more
Graduated from the I.U.T.I.R.L.A as graphic designer in 2006.
Diplomas in Museography and Museology taught at the University of Zulia 2008.