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Gallery Of Poster & Illustrations By Istvan Horkay - Hungary
0 Comments | 1 Like | Gallery | Poster | Illustrations | Istvan Horkay | Hungary

Istvan Horkay - Hungary
1945 12.25
The newest Collages, Photo Transformations of Horkay, in a certain regard are the continuation of the previously established visual
formatting and creating methods.
This are not simple extract ions, or not only the verifications of hisknowledge to select from the wide tradition of visual art, but a
selection for a purpose. In the newest visual theory research there is a higher emphasis on analyzing image anthropology (Hans Belting).
Horkay's artworks are directive by that respect.
By giving moreprominent value to the expression of the implied anthropological
substance, to the gesture, to the pose, he does not simply create amore significant work as before, he implies those rudiments (elements)
into his statement. Less
After graduating from the School of Fine Arts in Budapest in 1964, Horkay was invited to attend the Academy of Fine Arts inCracow Poland, the Major Art and Cultural Center of Eastern Europe, where he received his Master of Fine Arts.
He continued his Studies at he Royal Academy of Art in Copenhagen, Denmark. (1968) and did additional Post graduate work atthe Academy of Fine Arts in Budapest. (1971)
Horkay studied under the Internationallyknow Artist and Theater DirectorTadeusz Kantor as well as Professors M.Wejman and J.Nowosielski.
Palle Nielsen/Danmark/ He received Diplomas in Graphic Arts, Painting, and Film Animation.

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