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Gallery Of Photo Montages By Stephen Mcmennamy - Usa
0 Comments | 4 Likes| Gallery | Photo Montages | Stephen Mcmennamy | Usa

stephen is based in Atlanta working as an art director.
in October 2012 he was introduced to instagram.
from there his interest in photography grew and that interest evolved into an ongoing project he refers to as combophoto's.
The artist and photographer Stephen McMennamy is a creative living and working in Atlanta, and has created some of the most famous advertising campaigns of recent years for multinational companies.
For passion he has also decided to create something that is less tied to the current software technology, reimmergendosi in the collage, in its simplest and purest form. The images below are the result of his gallery called "Combo Photos", a series of composite images by not using digital editing tools but through painstaking research of images that are contestualizzabili each other and fit together perfectly without the need for filters or other devices digital.
At a time when even the photos taken at the meeting of the condominium are edited with Photoshop or Instagram creativity of this artist it is really valuable, especially for those familiar with photo editing and knows the difficulty of obtaining two images that perfectly match between their.


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