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Gallery Of Paitings & Sculptures By Emilio Subira - Spain
0 Comments | 2 Likes| Gallery | Paitings | Sculptures | Emilio Subira | Spain

Emilio Subira - Spain
Emilio Subira Lopez (Seville, 1980)
He has a degree in Fine Arts from the University of Seville, specializing in sculpture in 2004.
He has taken courses in modeling, engraving and exhibition.
He has obtained the scholarship "Alfonso Ariza" of ceramic sculpture 2001, he has participated in the first Contest of the Stone Carving Scholarship "Ciudad de Macael" 2004.
He has been selected in the V prize of experimental poetry deputation of Badajoz 2006.
is the web page of the plastic creators Emilio Subira and Rafael Jurado, members of the artistic group SICKESTUDIO, where you can find images of his plastic and conceptual work, which ranges from painting to sculpture to music, drawing, poetry, literature and photography.

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