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Gallery Of Paitings By Denis Sarazhin - Ukraine
0 Comments | 3 Likes| Gallery | Paiting | Denis Sarazhin | Ukraine

Denis Sarazhin - Ukraine
born in Nikopol, Ukraine.
He attended the Kharkov Art and Design Academy, graduating in 2008.
He specialized in painting and was a pupil of Ganozkiy V. L., Chaus V. N., and Vintayev V. N. Sarazhin was awarded with the 1st Degree Diploma Award for Excellence in Painting from the Ukrainian Art Academy.
This prestigious national award is only given to an elite group of graduating students from all the nations top artistic institutions.
Since 2007 he has been a member of Kharkov’s section of the association of Ukraine’s Artists’ Alliance. Sarazhin’s work can be found in the Ukraine, Russia, China, Great Britain, and the United States.
2003 Young Artist’s Exhibition in Sambor
2005 All-Ukrainian exhibition for the Day of the Artist in Kiev
2005 7th exhibition of creative arts of the teachers, employees, students of Kharkov’s higher education institutions
"Protron" exhibition in Kharkov
2008 The Exhibition "Impressionism Forever" in gallery Da Vinci in Kiev
2008 All Ukrainian exhibition in Dnepropetrovsk
2008 Group Exhibition "Navkolo Sontsya" in Kharkov’s art museum
2008 "Generation Next" exhibition

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