Gallery Of Paitings By Andrea Ventura – Italy
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Andrea Ventura - Italy
Andrea Ventura, born in Paris, from italian parents in 1968, moved to New York in 1991.
His work has been published in The New York Times, The New Yorker, Rolling Stone, Time, Newsweek and many other national and international newspapers, magazines and books.
His awards include gold and silver medals from The Society of Illustrators for his portraits of Latrell Sprewell, Jorge Luis Borges and Glenn Gould and a gold medal at the Lead Awards 2010. Andrea Ventura lives in Brooklyn and Berlin, Germany.
2014 Andrea & Paolo Ventura, Die Galerie, Frankfurt am Main
2013 Twins, Gallery Baton, Seoul
2013 Carnevale, Gestalten Space, Berlin
2012 Twin portraits and other paintings, White Trash Contemporary, Hamburg
2011 Rooms & Nudes, White Trash Contemporary, Hamburg
2010 Sans Souci, 2agenten für illustration gallery, Berlin
2009 Storie d’Amore, Galleria Rubin, Milan
2004 Sunday Afternoon, Galleria Rubin, Milan.
Andrea Ventura, born in Paris, from italian parents in 1968, moved to New York in 1991.
His work has been published in The New York Times, The New Yorker, Rolling Stone, Time, Newsweek and many other national and international newspapers, magazines and books.
His awards include gold and silver medals from The Society of Illustrators for his portraits of Latrell Sprewell, Jorge Luis Borges and Glenn Gould and a gold medal at the Lead Awards 2010. Andrea Ventura lives in Brooklyn and Berlin, Germany.
2014 Andrea & Paolo Ventura, Die Galerie, Frankfurt am Main
2013 Twins, Gallery Baton, Seoul
2013 Carnevale, Gestalten Space, Berlin
2012 Twin portraits and other paintings, White Trash Contemporary, Hamburg
2011 Rooms & Nudes, White Trash Contemporary, Hamburg
2010 Sans Souci, 2agenten für illustration gallery, Berlin
2009 Storie d’Amore, Galleria Rubin, Milan
2004 Sunday Afternoon, Galleria Rubin, Milan.
