Gallery Of Paiting & Illustrations By John Brosio - Usa
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John Brosio - USA
Art Center College of Design, Pasadena, CA
University of California at Davis
Industrial Light and Magic, San Rafael, California
Intern in Creature Shop
Feb-May 1990
I can be rather wordy at times so I will take a novel approach here and keep it more quiet. I already have more than one insane or impassioned rant floating around in cyber space.
In Paintings I have posted work that is truly personal to me in one way or another, all of it in chronological order.
And while there are some paintings therein which incorporate tornadoes, I have placed all of the other tornado paintings, those concerned with the phenomenon per se, in Tornadoes.
In "Critters" there is but a sampling for now as many of these paintings were never photographed.
Selected Exhibits
Arcadia Contemporary, Santa Monica, CA
Los Angeles Art Show, Los Angeles, CA
Booth Gallery, New York, NY
Paintguide (curated by Henri Kaau)
Group Show
Q Art Salon, Santa Ana, CA
Instalarity (curated by F. Scott Hess)
Group Show
Arcadia Contemporary, Santa Monica, CA
Los Angeles Art Show, Los Angeles, CA
Copro Gallery, Santa Monica, CA
Beinart Collective Exhibition
Group Show
Arcadia Contemporary, Santa Monica, CA
Made in California
Group Show
Art Center College of Design, Pasadena, CA
University of California at Davis
Industrial Light and Magic, San Rafael, California
Intern in Creature Shop
Feb-May 1990
I can be rather wordy at times so I will take a novel approach here and keep it more quiet. I already have more than one insane or impassioned rant floating around in cyber space.
In Paintings I have posted work that is truly personal to me in one way or another, all of it in chronological order.
And while there are some paintings therein which incorporate tornadoes, I have placed all of the other tornado paintings, those concerned with the phenomenon per se, in Tornadoes.
In "Critters" there is but a sampling for now as many of these paintings were never photographed.
Selected Exhibits
Arcadia Contemporary, Santa Monica, CA
Los Angeles Art Show, Los Angeles, CA
Booth Gallery, New York, NY
Paintguide (curated by Henri Kaau)
Group Show
Q Art Salon, Santa Ana, CA
Instalarity (curated by F. Scott Hess)
Group Show
Arcadia Contemporary, Santa Monica, CA
Los Angeles Art Show, Los Angeles, CA
Copro Gallery, Santa Monica, CA
Beinart Collective Exhibition
Group Show
Arcadia Contemporary, Santa Monica, CA
Made in California
Group Show
