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Gallery Of Paintings By Tong Luo - China
0 Comments | 3 Likes| Gallery | Paintings | Tong Luo | China

Tong Luo was born in Huai Yang, County of Henan Province, China, in 1969.
He learned his craft at an early age from his father who taught traditional Chinese painting.
In 1990, Luo continued the family artistic tradition and enrolled in Oil Painting at the Guanzhou Academy of Fine Arts. After graduating from the academy with a Master’s degree in fine arts Luo joined the school’s teaching faculty, in 1994. A gifted young artist, Luo was one of only ten selected from across China, in 1999, to pursue post-graduate studies in fine art at the Central Academy of Fine Art in Beijing.
Shortly after, Luo immigrated to Canada, settling in Calgary with his family.
In 2010, Luo was accepted to study at the prestigious New York Academy of Art to pursue a Master’s degree in fine arts.
There Luo studied under internationally acclaimed artists like Jenny Saville, Eric Fischl and John Currin.
Today, Luo continues to lives and work in NYC.
During his career, Luo was the recipient for several awards in China including the Luo Zhong Li Scholar Prize in 1998 and the Mei Yuan Cup Award for painting in 2000.
His work has been featured in several international publications such as Southwest Art, International Artist, Art of West and American Art Collector.


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