In the strict sense of the term, Philippe Charles Jacquet is a landscape artist; It stages strikes, cargo ships, fountains, fields of grass that undulate in the wind, boats and trees.
Motionless without being fixed, temporal rather than instantaneous pauses, his compositions call for silence and a certain meditative slowness.
This time of gaze refers us to ourselves, to our feet stuck in the ground, to our head which always balloons a little and who dreams of following the seagulls on the crest of the waves. The wind, the song of the empty hulls, the plain which struggles against the crash of the blades, over there in the distance; All this arises from the paintings of Philippe Charles Jacquet silently, in the manner of a rising sea. "The Green Cruise", "Waiting", "Le Havre", "Abandonment", all slow down time, sharpen the moment; We absorb, we listen to better understand what these canvases, with their immobility of lying ships, their march of giants frozen, have to whisper us.
Beyond reality, the work of Philippe Charles Jacquet opens windows on a collective unconscious that would make the link between felt and imaginary, fugitive moments and ideal landscape.
Nathalie Rose
Philippe Charles Jacquet was born on 5 November 1957 in Paris.