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Gallery Of Paintings By Mohsen Vaziri Moghaddam - Iran
0 Comments | 1 Like | Gallery | Paintings | Mohsen Vaziri Moghaddam | Iran

Mohsen Vaziri Moghaddam born 1924 in Tehran.
He started school in age of 5, but he has learned writing and reading by his father before that. He loved Geography and Painting from Primary School. He also was fond of Music and he learned Violin for 2 years in Faculty of Fine Arts.
He has lived in Behbahan and Ahvaz in his childhood. He moved to Tehran in 1935 with his family, but they moved to Uromiyeh very soon. He started Oil Painting in this city at the age of 16. 
He studied painting by masters like Ali Mohammad Heydarian and Madam Amin Far.
1949 to 1953 were the years of Modernist Movement in Iranian Painting and Vaziri Moghaddam  like many of his generation artists was influenced by Impressionist and " Van Gogh" 
He painted landscape, portrait and people's life and tried to give a new form to traditional themes. Collection of these paintings has been exhibited in Iran and USA in 1952 in a Solo Exhibition. 
He went to Italy in 1956 to study in Faculty of Fine Arts in Rome. 
His first year in Italy was coincided with new movement of Realm and Abstract Art by the titles of " Tachisme" ," Unformed Art" and " Other Art".
Vaziri Moghaddam participated in Venice International Biennial in 1958 by the artwork of " Persian City" and his artwork has been exhibited in different cities of Europe and Iran.
He was director of Faculty of Fine Arts from 1969 to 1976.
Books of " Style of Design", " Drawing Guide" and " Design" are among the works of this artist.

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