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Gallery Of Painting Watercolors By Thomas W Schaller - Usa
0 Comments | 3 Likes| Gallery | Painting Watercolors | Thomas W Schaller | Usa

Thomas W Schaller - USA
Following a 20 year career in New York City as an architect and architectural artist, Tom Schaller is now based in Venice, California where he devotes himself full time to artwork in the watercolor medium.
He has long been considered one of the foremost architectural artists in the world.
In the field, he has won every major award for his artwork including being a two time recipient of the Hugh Ferriss Memorial Prize.
He has authored two books the best selling, and AIA award of merit winner, Architecture in Watercolor, and The Art of Architectural Drawing.
He has lectured widely, and hosted many watercolor workshops.
His artwork has been exhibited around the world including at the Art Institute of Chicago, a mid career retrospective at The Graham Foundation, The American Society of Illustrators in New York City and at the Aedes East Gallery in Berlin.
As a fine artist, his watercolors are recognized in the upcoming Spash 13 by North Light Books 2011, a feature article in the April 2010 American Artist magazine and showcased several times in American Art Collector magazine.
His is the featured artwork on the cover of the December 2010 Watercolor Artist magazine's One's to Watch issue.
His work is represented by the Link Gallery, the Universal Art Gallery, and the Carter Sexton Gallery in Los Angeles which will host a one man show of his watercolors in 2011.
Recently, Mr. Schaller's artwork has been selected to be included in a number of prestigious exhibitions including, The Zhujiajiao International Watercolor Biennial in Shanghai, The International Watercolor Biennial Mexico in Mexico City, The 143rd Annual Exhibition of the American Watercolor Society in New York City, II Bienal Iberoamericana de la Acuarela in Madrid, Salon de L'Aquarelle du Haillan in France; and was a Grand Jury Prize Winner in the 2010 National Paint the Parks Competition. The exhibition is now touring the United States.
Mr. Schaller is a member of many organizations including The American Watercolor Society, The National Watercolor Society, The Northwest Watercolor Society, The San Diego Watercolor Society, The California Watercolor Association, the California Art Club, the American Society of Architectural Perspectivists, The New York Society of Renderers, and is a founding member of the group; North American Watercolor Artists.

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