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Gallery Of International Chaumon Poster Competition 2015
0 Comments | 0 Likes| Gallery | International | Chaumon | Poster | Competition | 2015

Gallery of International Chaumon Poster competition 2015
Ever since its beginnings in 1990, Chaumont design graphique has organized a yearly international poster competition. Long before professional magazines and the generalisation of on-line blogs and portfolios, this sort of competition organized by the biennials presented one of the first media to explore and diffuse the possibilities of posters and their assets.

Posters will become an obsolete medium if their contemporary embedding is not constantly renewed, if their relation to the world and the topical forms are not reasserted. Just like posters themselves, poster competitions will become an outmoded model if they merely serve the auto-celebration of a happy few and the insistent needs of observers of printed matter.

Choosing the form of a competition means gaining each designer’s support and participation. Yet competing itself is not the essential factor of that sort of event. It is the much too seldom opportunity to offer the public the possibilities of graphic design, to show its capability of making us stop and to establish a link and an exchange between people and a wide range of subjects.

A competition between peers can be a stimulus, but that is far from being as strong as the stakes related to a commissioned work, the difficulty of making the intelligence of signs exist in public space, of making way for an economy capable of developing a design approach within communication logics. Poster making and graphic design are sometimes like combat sports where economic and cultural precariousness allow all sorts of blows. Poster competitions are not matches, but rather and more than ever necessary to value a profession, a pedagogy, the mechanics in the commission process, the relations between designers, clients, printers... The medium of these competitions is the poster, not only because it represents the graphic object that can be shown the most evidently but also because it is the most public object.


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