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Gallery Of Illustrations By Noelle Triaureau - France
0 Comments | 1 Like | Gallery | Illustrations | Noelle Triaureau | France

Noelle Triaureau is the Production Designer on Sony Pictures Animation’s upcoming, full CG SMURFS movie which is scheduled for theatrical release in March 2017.
Since joining the creative team at Sony Pictures Animation in 2005, Triaureau has worked as a Visual Development artist on SURF’S UP and CLOUDY WITH A CHANCE OF MEATBALLS. She was Art Director on HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA. She is a recipient of the Joule award, an honor recognizing outstanding Sony Pictures Imageworks and Sony Pictures Animation members.
Triaureau graduated in 1996 with honors from Middlesex University, England and Ecole de Commerce de Reims, France with a Bachelor of Art in European Business Management. In 1997, Triaureau helped start up L'Envol, a Summer camp for children with a serious illness modeled after Paul Newman's Hole in the Wall Gang Camps. In 2004, she graduated from a four-year program at ENSAD, Paris, specializing in Illustration and Animation.


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