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Gallery Of Illustrations By Dorje Bellbrook - Usa
0 Comments | 2 Likes| Gallery | Illustrations | Dorje Bellbrook | Usa

Dorje Bellbrook, Bungie, Staff Artist
concrete cracking and settling, metal rusting, and plants reclaiming the buildings. I was inspired by the fantasy of the abandoned place, a dangerous playground where the possibilities for exploration and discovery are endless. I probably worked on this piece for a week, but I spent several months working on the Cosmodrome as a whole, and I had a lot of help from the artists building the space at the same time I was working on it.
I’m not sure I have a favorite single piece that I’ve worked on. However, from 2009-2012, I went through a period of growth where I practiced and learned a lot, and I really like my paintings from that time. I was heavily inspired by the concept artists I was working with, and Bungie gave me just the right opportunities to grow.
The Last of Us seemed to hit a wonderful spot where the visuals perfectly described the world and evoked just the right tone. Impressively, towards the end of the game, the visuals worked hand in hand with the other disciplines of games creation to elevate the whole experience to an amazing piece of art. Shadow of the Colossus also had a big impact on me. I was captivated by the colossus designs and impressed by the ambiguous emotions I felt while fighting them. Certain things have captured my imagination throughout my life, like Star Wars, Robotech, Dragonlance, Alien/Aliens, Studio Ghibli’s work, Tintin. Truthfully though, it’s overwhelming how much amazing design and art there is to experience in this world, current and historical. It’s inspiring to browse a few tumblrs each day and see a hundred things that are incredible.


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