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Gallery Of Illustrations By Calum Alexander Watt - Uk
0 Comments | 3 Likes| Gallery | Illustrations | Calum Alexander Watt | Uk

Calum Alexander Watt is a concept artist and illustrator from the United Kingdom 
I currently work as a character artist for a games developer in Brighton, UK. 
My role includes concepts, creation, texturing and rigging of in game characters. Occasionally I'm called upon in a purely concept capacity, the task I enjoy the most. Prior to games I was briefly in graphic design, where my fascination with text and logos was explored. Before all this I was a comic artist, working for the UK published 2000AD (a weekly science fiction anthology title featuring Judge Dredd).
As for education, after a brief attempt at art school, I decided a more academic approach would be better, and studied film at Stirling University, Scotland. This was a purely theoretical course, so was only able to practice my art in my spare time.
After University, I gave myself a few months to gather a portfolio together specifically aimed at comic books. I was lucky and gained some strip work (personally I can't stress the 'lucky' enough).
I often wonder on how things may have turned out if I'd continued at art school, and I believe I would be a better more rounded artist if I had, but all choices contribute to making one the artist they are today.

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