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Gallery Of Illustrations By Agostino Iacurci - Italy
0 Comments | 1 Like | Gallery | Illustrations | Agostino Iacurci | Italy

Agostino Iacurci - Italy
Agostino Iacurci (1986) is an Italian based artist based in Berlin.
His practice includes a wide range of media, including painting, mural painting, sculpture, painting, publishing.
In his works of artificial shapes and bright colors, through a necessary language, he is able to drive a few layers of interpretation.
This approach places stories on the verge of aging between innocence and mysticism, calm and disaster.
In 2009, she has completed 300 meters of work for the Saba School in the western Sahara. In 2011, she participated in a project Rebibbia on the wall, a friendly art project in prison.
He, along with the prisoners, painted a set of murals in the courtyard of the area to maximize security.
In 2012, she received a remarkable painting at the University of Basse-ness Campus in France.
In 2013, he set up a 21st high skyscraper for the Fobon Art Foundation in Taipei, and he was selected to appear in Italy at Tour 13 Tour in Paris.
In 2016, along with the Italian Cultural Institute in New Delhi and the start of India, the first one grasped a remarkable painting at the Indian subway station.
In 2017, Alfredo Arias designed the spectacle for Madame Pink's comedy.
In the same year, Yukotka took part in the Yukotsk Biennale.
Her work has been featured at many exhibitions, festivals and projects in Europe, the United States, Brazil, Russia, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Australia, Korea, Japan and Taiwan.
SOLO Exhibitions
2017 Trompe l'oeil, supervised by Vittorio Percy, Celta Brothers Gallery, Mexico City
Short Story 2016, Die Kunstagentin, Cologne, Germany
The Rise and Fall 2015, Galleria Patricia Armocida, Milan
Wooden Plants, Wunderkammern at YIA Fair, Carreau du Temple, Paris
Selected Works, Wunderkammern at Scope Fair, Basel
2014 Discontinuity Contest, Supervised by Terri Lew, 19th Contemporary Karen Artspace, Gold Coast, Australia
A tiny tire wheel is covered by Giuseppe Pizzuto, the Wunderkammern Gallery, Rome
2012 Tende A zero, supervised by Christian Omodeo, Teatro Palladium, Roume.

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